The throat chakra is located in the area of the throat, jaw, neck, and mouth. It plays a significant role in the flowing of energy in your body. The properties of this chakra are mostly connected with speech but it has an impact on your physical, mental, and emotional health also. When the throat chakra…
Category: Chakras
How to Attract New Love (and a Soulmate) with Crystals
Healing crystals have been used by past and present civilizations for handling a wide array of problems. As you might already know, finding true love is probably the biggest goal for any single person experimenting with crystals. But in today’s age, with online dating, dating apps, and now even a mandated quarantine, finding that right…
How to Activate Chakra Stones in 4 Steps
When it comes to bolstering the health and vitality of your chakras, chakra stones produce the best results. You put them on your chakra spots and let their energies balance and heal your chakras. Activating chakra stones is easy and can be done in just 5-10 minutes. You can activate chakra stones with meditation, intention,…
What are Chakras: Tapping Into Your Spiritual Energy
What are Chakras? If this term is new to you, don’t worry, because we’ve got you covered. The word Chakra comes from Sanskrit. In the world of meditation and mindfulness, it is a spiritual energy center within the human body. We have both major and minor chakra systems in our bodies. The major chakras typically…
Heart Chakra Stones: How to Unblock your Anahata
Anahata means “unstruck” in Sanskrit. Do you want to enrich your life and driven by the principles of transformation? Focus on your ‘Heart Chakra’. It clears your vision of a better world, helps you live out your dreams, surrounds you with romantic and intimate moments, and gives you the adventure of a lifetime. With the…
Crown Chakra Healing Stones: How to Unlock Wisdom
The Crown chakra is the head chakra. It is the 7th and the last stage of the chakra cycle. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that it is the leading and the most mysterious chakra also as its divine power of inspiration usually goes unnoticed. This chakra also goes by another name “Sahasrara” in Sanskrit….
Sacral Chakra Stones: How to Restore your Creativity
Anyone who feels like they have lost their creative mojo needs to open and balance the Sacral Chakra. This chakra is situated two inches below your belly button. The healing stones experts represent it with the orange color and recommend balancing it mainly for sexuality, circulatory systems, and reproductive organs. Some people call it the…
Solar Plexus Chakra Stones: How to Stand Taller Today
Solar Plexus chakra has the power to put the focus on oneself. It deals with the mindset, willpower, impulse, and energy. This chakra supports your inner power also and helps you stand tall with confidence. Solar Plexus Chakra, also known as the “Manipura” in Sanskrit, means “city of jewels”. It resides around the navel in…
Root Chakra Stones: How to Unblock the Muladhara
The Root Chakra, also known as Muladhara, is the center of security, self-preservation, and grounding. It is also referred to as ‘Base Chakra’ and the first of the seven centers in the body’s energy system. This chakra is located at the base of your spine where your primal energy is connected with instinct. The idea…