Is it possible to turn back the time, wipe the slate clean, and bring back an ex-lover? Sometimes, things don’t turn out as expected, and relationships crash and burn, with no hope of revival. But in other cases, there may have been misunderstandings, reluctance to compromise, or other easily fixable issues. We have good news for you, if you are someone who is dealing with a lost relationship like these. Certain crystals can create a strong emotional connection between you and your ex, motivating them to spend happy, loving, and genuine quality time with you again. And by the end of this article, you will know how you, too, can use crystals for love attraction.
If you are in a painful or confused condition and have wondered about how to get your life back the way it used to be, you may have considered using crystals to bring back your lover. There are many healing crystals for love attraction that have helped lovers get back together after being away for years.
It is very much possible to revive and renew a bond that has withered and wilted, and we are going to show you how in this article.
If you are interested in finding new love, you can see our list of crystals to help attract a soulmate, but to restore an old one, read on.
Does This Really Work?
We know it might sound silly in the beginning, but there is hope even for those who feel hopeless. After all, if you are new to using a crystal in any form, it may be hard to believe that you could aim to bring back an ex in this way. If you’re wondering how long it takes a crystal to work its magic, the answer is…it depends. There are methods to making results show up quicker, but it’s important not to rush things when your goal is something serious like mending a damaged or broken relationship.
We invite you to shake your head in disbelief as many times as you want, before going forward. But just know that there is no doubt about it – some people have found success with crystals in this way. By reading about the power of healing crystals and the success stories associated with them, you will no doubt be intrigued and might end up trying to fix one of your relationships. Every situation is salvageable if you have the right crystals for love attraction in your hands.
Here are some famous, powerful crystals to bring back a lover. Their energies help foster the circumstances where your ex wants to give you the second chance you desire, and genuinely feel attracted to you again.
1 – Chrysocolla
When it comes to finding peace in change, chrysocolla is a divine crystal. It adds a sparkle to your love life and helps prepare you to receive the new love from your ex. If you think you’re unworthy of your lover, this crystal is going to spice things up and put you on a different vibration and frequency. Remember that negative thoughts, about whether you deserve love or to bring your ex back into your life again, are not permanent. They can be difficult to manage, but difficulty is not a sign to give up!
People have used crystals for love attraction for years, and will continue to do so because of the results we have seen. With time, even a stubborn ex will see you in a different light and perceive your messages positively.
By changing your own frequency and allowing your ex to remember the good instead of the bad, you will make them fall head over heels over you once again.
But keep in mind, you have to be receptive too. If your lover is opening up his or her heart for you, it is your job to understand their mindset and feelings, and bring them into your energy. Don’t just assume everything will be smooth sailing just because you hear that they would like to try again.
2 – Rose Quartz
This is one of the most popular crystals for love attraction. Rose Quartz is one of the ultimate love stones, known for building strong bonds of communication. Known as a healer of the heart, it can aid you in more than just mending a relationship. It can boost your circulatory system, strengthen your heart muscles, and protect you during pregnancy.
On top of physical benefits, rose quartz has the power to make your words feel magical, allowing you to shine brighter in the eyes of others. By hearing you in this way, people feel like you are the only one who can bring more magic into their life. Break the monotony of your former ex’s life once more. If you are still in contact with your ex and communicate particularly through messages or phone calls, keep rose quartz with you all the time; you will notice its effects.
Rose quartz also works on the heart chakra; it will not only promote self-love in you but also open up the heart of your loved ones. By being more loving of yourself, you can love others better in turn. You can remind your ex of the time when the relationship with you was fresh and exciting. They will feel a strong desire to get that back again.
3 – Ruby
Ruby is a sensual stone. It is often recommended as a post-breakup helper. This healing crystal helps create genuine love attraction in two main ways.
First, it minimizes the bad memories of former relationships. When you break up, you often think of all the last things that were said and done. Usually, these happened during an argument. People’s emotions run high during a final argument and we sometimes say things we don’t really mean. Then, without getting the chance to clarify, this is the last memory we leave our ex with and vice versa. By focusing more on the good memories, your ex can remember what they actually miss about you.
Second, ruby amplifies the energy of love between you and your lover. This crystal will foster real attraction once more. Wear it as jewelry (ring or bracelet) as much as you can. If your ex thinks your relationship has lost its fire, this crystal will help ignite the flames of sexual energy again. They can make them want you with the deeper desires they once felt.
We especially recommend this crystal to all those who are on the verge of a breakup. Buy it at once and put it in your bedroom or wear it as an accessory. These ruby and diamond earrings are 14 karat gold and are stunning just as a fashion choice, but will also allow you to channel the right frequencies to make your lover yearn again. You can wear them to just about any occasion, and if you’d rather have a raw stone, you can easily find palm stones and other forms of raw ruby here.
In case you are worried about the presence of other men or women in your partner’s life or day-to-day routine, this crystal can also help to anchor their interest and passion for you. It works wonderfully to keep couples in harmony and constantly thinking of each other. When you start receiving unexpected calls and hear “I miss you”, you will know that the ruby had something to do with it.
4 – Garnet
Remember that nasty breakup where every song made you cry, because the lyrics were all about you and your now shattered relationship? Did you ever call and text and scroll through their instagram nonstop, hating yourself for being so fragile but secretly begging for them to come back? Well stop at once, and consider tapping into the power of garnet. This crystal is a symbol of passion and strength. It transforms your persona and turns you into the sturdy, reliable person we all secretly want our partner to be.
I think breakups typically happen for one main reason. Two people are not able to find common ground on something important. You need to give off the same energy of when things were working correctly, and reignite the spark in the heart of your lover too. All you need is to do that is to keep a garnet stone in your pocket while communicating and spending time with your loved ones. Wear it as a ring to catch their eye, even. Garnet will make you feel more desirable as this energy emanates from you.
As it does its work, people start thinking more about why they left, and look for ways to have you back in their lives. The energies of garnet change the perspective of the relationship so much, that your ex will start rehearsing what to say if your paths cross again.
5 – Pink Tourmaline
This crystal is very interesting, and one of our favorites. Pink Tourmaline works well… perhaps too well… so you should have a specific (and honorable) intention before using it. Healing crystals experts believe this powerful crystal can be used for both the greater good or to cause grave harm. Therefore, it is pertinent to set your intention first, based on exactly what you feel you need from your lover, or what kind of relationship you want with an ex.
Once your intention is set, start wearing pink tourmaline often. Imagine your ideal situation in a meditative state for a few minutes every day. You can do this when you wake up with the help of affirmations. Let your crystals rest on your skin in some way while you stay focused on rekindling that love and natural attraction.
This paves the way for you to step out and show your ex that you are a new person. It allows you to more easily break all the old patterns that create issues in the first place. And if you are able to break the barrier that was created between you and your ex, you can start seeing results that will eventually bring them back into your life.
Don’t underestimate how much you can change by empowering your pink tourmaline with a strong intention. You will be surprised at the transformation you see take place.
Relationships end often, but couples also reunite every single day. Use one or more of these crystals to bring back a lover regardless of the situation. Don’t give up, no matter how hopeless it may seem. If there was something genuine and real to bring you together before, it’s worth a shot. Try to make things the way they once were, if you think it’s still an option.
Utilizing meditation or yoga or other forms of mental focus in conjunction with the right crystal will help you take active control, instead of simply playing the waiting game. If your text conversations or phone calls never seem to go anywhere, it’s time for a change. These crystals have the power to get your ex interested in you once more. Your ex will try to erase the old hurts, see things from a different perspective, and reignite the flames of passion with you once more.
Let us know how it goes! We wish you the best of luck and always look forward to hearing a great comeback story.