Solar Plexus chakra has the power to put the focus on oneself. It deals with the mindset, willpower, impulse, and energy. This chakra supports your inner power also and helps you stand tall with confidence.
Solar Plexus Chakra, also known as the “Manipura” in Sanskrit, means “city of jewels”. It resides around the navel in your body. This chakra has a yellow color, which represents personal power and self-esteem, sort of like the Sun; the feeling of power and independence is bestowed upon you. If this chakra is balanced, you feel like you can lead the world.
Manipura is known to be connected to different parts of the human body and plays a huge role in functioning the pancreas, bladder, liver, stomach, and nervous system.
Another important physical sense associated with Solar Plexus is the sense of eyesight. People or children who struggle with eye-related issues can relish the power of Solar Plexus chakra. Once they balance it inside their body, they naturally heal good and fast.
What Happens With a Blocked Solar Plexus Chakra?
When you have a blocked or out of balance Solar Plexus chakra, it causes physical problems, including sicknesses like stomachache, acidity, and heartburn. It mostly revolves around the digestive system as this chakra inhabits the space around the stomach.
Consult a professional doctor first when you’re feeling nauseous or experiencing serious medical issues. Spiritual beliefs and their healing properties are helpful on one level, but you should use a doctor’s prescription and advice to address serious ailments.
Here are some other important points as well that tell you whether your Solar Plexus chakra needs help. They are the clear signs that indicate your solar plexus need attention.
- Insecurities rush over you and make you over think every decision you make.
- You have the unending feeling of loneliness which disrupts your mental peace.
- When things don’t go according to your plan you feel like the world is against you.
- You act recklessly and lose your focus over and over again.
- Your victim mentality always worsens the situation, especially in relationships.
- You have trouble having a sense of purpose.
- You have a very high emotional response to everything.
- It causes your confidence to drop down to zero in challenging situations.
In some cases, your Solar Plexus chakra can be extensive and cause your emotion bar to rise to the top. For example, you’ll feel the need to be bossy and have the upper hand on people, and you will always try to be right when you’re in an argument.
This will make you more competitive and also unpleasant for your friends.
There are different ways to deal with imbalanced solar plexus chakra and that includes doing yoga, rubbing essential oils on your body, the aroma of burnt Manipura, and healing stones.
But today we will discuss healing stones because healing stones tend to make the wearer be at peace. Here are some of them listed below.
1 – Citrine
Citrine is a healing stone, infamous for being associated with the Solar Plexus chakra as they both are yellow. This crystal provides everything a person lacks when their Solar Plexus chakra is blocked. It gives them amazing joy and positivity, and tones down their berserk emotions and thoughts.
Just like its color, bright yellow, and because of its association with the Sun, it’s said to be a ray of sunshine for the person who wears it.
It brings positivity to your life and blows out the negative feelings you have.
Citrine crystal has its own special physical healing properties just like all the other stones. With a solar plexus chakra blockage, you will want to focus on your digestive system and gut. Citrine protects your digestive system, easing stomach pain and even ulcers, while speeding up your metabolism. Its most important healing property is that it’s favorable in the treatment of Diabetes.
2 – Moonstone
Moonstone, as its name suggests, was known to have a connection to the moon in ancient times. Just like the moon shines in the darkness, this stone helps the wearer shine in their darkest hours. It brings light to them and grants peace.
Moonstone helps a lot in the real world as well.
Keep it around and you’ll see a flare in your business and love life. First, it strengthens your instincts and gives you the ability to believe in yourself, then it hands you the power to be confident about your new beginnings, be it a married life, new business, or pregnancy.
With this stone, you will have unlimited wisdom, it’s particularly for people who think they often make wrong decisions.
They will have a safe life journey with this stone next to you.
So how does this stone exactly help with a solar plexus chakra blockage? The physical properties of Moonstone include making childbirth easy, protecting the digestive system, and eliminating body toxins. A fun fact about Moonstone is that it has two different qualities for both men and women. For women, it gives them a stronger sense of femininity and power from within, whereas for men, it helps them in becoming more honest about their feelings.
3 – Pyrite
Pyrite is a protective stone.
Its best property is it creates a protective shield around you and keeps the negative forces outside the circle. This incredible crystal with its golden color is also known as “The fool’s gold” because it looks very similar to the actual gold and can easily be mistaken as gold by a rookie in this field.
Pyrite’s healing properties pass out the sensation of power throughout the whole body that protects the wearer and cleanses its aura.
For example, it fuels mental strength. It stimulates the thought process and if you have a short-term memory it improves it as well. It makes you want to learn new things which give you the knowledge and different perceptions in every phase of life… On the whole, your creativity is enhanced by it.
You have a positive mindset which helps in making the right decisions and believing in yourself.
On a physical level, Pyrite has been used to treat weak bones and recover cell formation. It also heals you from a high fever, lung disorder, and has even been used in conjunction with treatment for diseases like HIV.
All these healing stones not only open and balance your solar plexus chakra, but also protect you from the physical and emotional disturbances in the body. They resume the flow of Solar Plexus chakra and let it spread equally throughout your body.
You can’t go wrong with any, but consider either keeping the stone on you or wearing in the form of a pendant or necklace, or even bracelet. Solar plexus chakra blockages need not be difficult to resolve for any of us with the proper help.