When we think about ‘Astral Projection‘ we often imagine it is like a frightening, near-death experience that takes our soul outside ourselves. However, it is actually an out-of-body experience (OBE) that separates our conscious sense from our physical body, often during a state of relaxation.
The concept and stories of people experiencing Astral Projection are intriguing to say the least, and very mysterious at times.
We are still unsure regarding its mystical presence and practices. It sounds supernatural. It is hard to understand how our consciousness, or a sense of our consciousness, leaves our body and views the world around us.
We have seen a glimpse of it in the 2016 blockbuster ‘Doctor Strange‘, who was the master of the mystic arts and could separate his physical body from the spiritual one.

But that was just one glamorized side of the story. You’d be surprised about some of the other phenomena experienced by people who tried astral projection.
Here are some more interesting and shocking astral projection facts.
- It’s not a rare phenomenon; it is indeed very common. 5-10 percent of people in the world experience astral projection once in their lifetime. Most of them think it is just a dream, but for some people, the experience is so intense that they feel their soul was, in reality, out of the body.
- It is not dangerous at all; it is safe. You just feel like you are floating away from your body. You can see your own body. It is very surreal and exhilarating.
- While it is always spontaneous, you can learn how to astral project too. It is a myth that people who can do it were born with a gift. The reality is anyone can astral project with some practice and patience. It is not a superpower that you only see in the movies. You have to study its techniques and find out which method suits your comfort and imagination the most.
- The main concern about this experience is ‘how long does it last?’ People interested in it usually feel afraid that they won’t be able to come back to their bodies once consciously out of it. Yes, it can be an hour-long experience, and in some situations, people feel like they have been gone for months and even years, but you can control the length of your astral state. It is all in your hands; don’t think of it as a dream.
- Age is not a factor. Professional researchers reveal that children astral project more than adults. This is mainly because they have a firm belief that everything is possible.

Science or Pseudoscience?
Interestingly, science still doesn’t support it.
Scientists don’t have any evidence to suggest this idea is measurable or observable enough for scientific research. There is a debate among scientists that leads them to think this experience is associated with cognitive awareness but they have no proof how a person’s consciousness can travel outside the body.
However, they do have a few possible explanations that why it happens.
For example, scientists and many astral projection experts think astral projection can happen due to immense fear, stress, and trauma.
When a difficult situation provokes an extreme fear response in you, your body automatically disassociates from the situation to protect you emotionally and psychologically.
Similarly, some mental health conditions like epilepsy and migraine can give you episodes of a surreal experience and make you feel like you observed yourself from outside your body.
Astral Projection & Crystals
Is there any connection between Astral Projection and Crystals?
Thousands of people who are interested in learning astral projection ask this question in forums, and the answer is ‘YES’.
There is a connection between astral projection and crystals.
Crystals have been used for centuries to induce lucid and prophetic dreams and astral state. They support your efforts and improve your astral projection and travel skills. Once you start using them, you experience a profound shift in spiritual growth and induce an astral state easily.
Below are some special crystals to aid in astral projection.
Iolite is a powerful healing crystal that is famous for increasing awareness during astral traveling. The thing experts love the most about Iolite is it can help you remember the experience once you back. Since most people experience the astral state but they associate it with dreaming. When you use Iolite or practice astral projection with it, it raises your awareness. You enjoy a great visionary experience and you have stories to tell your loved ones.
Blue Calcite
This healing stone offers mental and astral protection. Instead of holding this stone in your hand, try to place it inside your bedroom. Its energies will open up your higher consciousness and connect your emotions with the intellect. This stone also pushes you into a deep relaxation state that connects well with the energies of the astral body. A deep relaxation state also doesn’t let your negative thoughts or feelings interfere with your aura. It allows a smooth transition into astral travel. You feel like you are wrapped in a soothing blanket.
Moldavite healing stone is also known as extra-terrestrial that takes you beyond boundaries. Its presence while practicing astral projection techniques will increase any energy needed. Astral projection techniques count on its dimensions and galactic energies. They easily open you up to other worlds and realms. If it is hard for you to reach the separation required for astral projection, Moldavite is the best option for you.
Use crystals as a means to generate power for astral projection.
Many other healing crystals support astral projection techniques. They work on your chakras and open up your third eye that glides you through the astral plane.
When practicing astral travel, choose any crystal that suits your mood, personality, or planet. Any crystal that makes you feel comfortable and gives you the best and most positive results is the ideal crystal for you. It will keep on heightening your powers and opening pathways to your higher self. You can also set your astral intentions with it to increase its power.
Though meditation is wonderful if you have a specific intention, we recommend putting these above stones in the four corners of your room.
This will amplify their energy and lift your level of consciousness for astral projection.
If you are interested in learning more about Astral Projection & Healing Crystals, read The Magick of Crystals: A Guide To Mastering Astral Projection. The methods of this book are quite new and different from most traditional techniques. It is great for beginners as well.